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中考 · 词汇|单词+音标+用法,带你轻松搞定中考1600词(D)

时间: 2024-05-27  热度:

原标题:中考 · 词汇|单词+音标+用法,带你轻松搞定中考1600词(D)



dad (daddy) n. 爸爸

daily [?de?l?] a.ad.n. 每日的;日常的;每天;日报

daily life 日常生活

dance [dɑ?ns; (US) d?ns] n.&vi. 跳舞

dance music 舞曲

A group of aunts are dancing on the square.

danger [?de?nd??] n. 危险

in danger 处于危险中

in danger of 处于......的危险中

The building is in danger of collapse (倒塌).

out of danger 脱离危险。

After the treatment, he is now out of danger. 经过治疗,他已经脱离危险了。

dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] a. 危险的

dark [dɑ?k] a. 黑暗;暗处;日暮;黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的

before/after dark 天黑之前/之后

date [de?t] n. 日期;约会

date from/back to 追溯到(某一时间)

The Great Wall dates back to Qin Dynasty.


daughter [?d??t?(r)] n. 女儿

day [de?] n. 天; 日;白天

day by day 一天天地,逐日地

Spring is coming and the weather gets warmer day by day.


one day (过去或将来的)某一天:

You will regret one day if you don’t work hard.

