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时间: 2024-03-15  热度:




英 语 答 案


多项选择 21~30 ABCAD BCADD

完形填空 31~40 CADAB DCABC 41~50 ABDDB BADCC

阅读理解 51~54 ACBA 55~58 DBCA 59~62 CDBA

63~66 CDDB 67~69 BCAD


71. is being rebuilt

72. that he will recover from

73. Go along/down the/ this road

74. found it/found (that) it was

75. that it was made

76. have been held

77. was he hopeful about / did he become/feel hopeful about

78. in which / where we interviewed

79. when their (supporting) team won

80. whose city walls remain


(One possible version)

Dear Li Ming,

I’m sorry to know that you feel uncomfortable in your new class. One of the reasons, I think, is that you might be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates. Maybe you are afraid that your classmates will make fun of your accent. Therefore it is natural for you to feel lonely occasionally.

I believe, with your effort, that you can manage to overcome these difficulties. To start with, you can talk with people around you, and be brave to ask them questions that you don’t know. Besides, comparing notes with your classmates frequently is a good way for you to make new friends.

In our spare time, I’ll invite you to play basketball or go to some parties. Also, I’d like to introduce my good friends to you.

I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible. xK b1.Com

Best regards.

Yours truly,

Zhang Hua


Text 1

M Are you coming to watch the tennis match this afternoon?

W Sorry, I can’t. I have a student government meeting.

M Student government? I thought you were joining the chess club this term.

W I do that, too.

Text 2

M The fishing place is an hour’s bus ride away. Want to go by bus?

W Are there any other choices?

M We can go by taxi, but I think it’s unnecessary and expensive. Is the subway going in that direction?

W Oh, yes. That may be a good choice.

Text 3

M It can do 24 pages a minute, so it’s really fast.

W Great. But I don’t know how to operate it.

M Just lift this and put what you want to copy in here. Make these choices. Then press the Start button.

Text 4

M What is your greatest hope?

W Er…to have as much money as possible. Money isn’t everything, but if you have enough money you can do a lot of things.

M Yes. But we can’t only talk about money and refuse to work hard.

W Right. The only way we make money is through hard work.

Text 5

M Well, Mrs Brown, what seems to be the problem with little David?

W He went to the park after school yesterday and then started to cough.

M Let me have a check. Unbutton his clothes, please.

Text 6

M Did you see the English-Italy football match yesterday? It was great. Much better than the swimming last weekend.

W I missed the swimming anyway. I wanted to watch the football after the tennis finished but my parents had visitors so I had to turn it off.

M Bad luck.

W Yeah, and the tennis wasn’t very good either. I didn’t enjoy it.

Text 7

W Did you see our job ad over the Internet or in a newspaper?

M Over the Internet. There are a lot of things out there.

W Why would you like to work for a company like ours?

M Well, from what I have researched I think working with your company would be very challenging and would also give me the opportunity to learn with experts in my field.

W What other qualities do you have?

M Well, apart from the experience that I have, I also feel that I’m a quick learner who can work in a team or alone.

W Do you know anyone who works in the company at the moment?

M Yes, I have several friends who are working here.

Text 8

M Good afternoon. I would like to speak with the manager, please.

W Why? What’s your problem?

M Well, I just picked up a TV at your store yesterday afternoon and when I was taking it out of the car it sort of accidentally fell. It looks OK, but the picture is pretty unclear. Do you think I can have someone look at it or get it changed?

W OK. I will talk to the manager about it right now. Please wait a moment.

M OK. Thank you.

W Well, we can have someone repair it for you, but as it was caused by you, I’m afraid you have to pay for half of the repair fee, and we will pay the other half.

M That will be fine. Thank you.

Text 9

M Hello, Helen. You look bad. Is everything OK?

W Oh, hello, Tom. Yes, I’m fine, thanks. I’m just a bit tired this morning, that’s all.

M Why’s that? Did you stay up last night?

W Not at all, but I had this dream and it woke me up, so I didn’t get much sleep. I dreamt that I was walking through a forest at night. I couldn’t see anything.

M That sounds frightening.

W In my dream I saw a white light behind some trees. It was a strange light, because it seemed to get bigger and then smaller, as if it was alive. At first I just stood where I was, but then the light seemed to move towards me and I could see something in it, like the face of an old man. I tried to run away, but my feet felt very heavy and I couldn’t even walk. That’s when I woke up. I was shaking all over.

M How awful! I’ve had dreams like that, too.

Text 10

M Welcome to the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Now I’d like to tell you what you should do when you become ill. If you feel sick and want to see a doctor, check with the manager of your hotel. They may call a doctor for you. American doctors are busy all the time, and it may be difficult to see the doctor immediately, especially if you are well enough to go to the doctor’s office. If you have difficulty explaining what is troubling you in English, your tour guide may be able to help you.

You may also go to the nearest hospital, especially if you require immediate attention. If you are seriously hurt and alone, call 911 and the operator there will get help for you. Don’t be frightened if you’re taken to the hospital. In the United States, people are often taken to hospitals so that doctors can use the special machines and services for tests and treatment. Unfortunately, the United States does not have a national system of health insurance to help pay medical bills.

